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Call for delivery partners to support women in business

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Call for delivery partners to support women in business

The Women in Business Foundations Program is an initiative that focusses on bolstering the fundamental skills of women business owners through advisory and growth mentoring services.

The Office for Small and Family Business is now inviting proposals from existing business growth providers to deliver round two of the program from 1 September 2024 to 30 June 2026.

The successful delivery partner will connect women with mentors to build their business management skills and growth strategies through one-on-one mentoring, small group workshops, networking and events.

Almost 1300 women have participated in the Foundations Program to date, with almost 850 having completed their allocated mentorship hours since the program launched in November 2022.

By boosting their confidence and equipping them with skills to overcome challenges, seize opportunities, and break down barriers – women business owners are guided towards growth and development within their business.

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