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Boost your cyber capability

11th Sep 2023
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Boost your cyber capability

Insights from our recent state-wide engagement highlighted that 68% of South Australian small business owners wouldn’t know what to do if their business was subjected to a cyber-attack.

There was also a view that implementing a cyber security plan was overwhelming.

We know that small businesses and industry bodies consider digital and cyber security as growing areas of concern, especially with 62% of South Australian businesses storing information digitally.

For a small business, a minor cyber incident can occur at any time and have devastating impacts – from losing valuable data and lawsuits, to revenue loss or private information being exposed.

That’s why having a plan and establishing ways to protect your business and employees can boost your security and prevent business cyberattacks.

Cyber security is unavoidable and needs to be front of mind in our digital world.

The South Australian Government has partnered with the Australian Cyber Collaboration Centre to deliver accessible and affordable education through the Small Business Cyber Uplift Step Program.

The comprehensive 12-month program will give you access to resources and expertise to build your resilience and cyber capability and withstand the challenges of the digital world through:

  • One-on-one consultations with a cyber coach
  • Personalised roadmap
  • Online training and tools
  • Workshops and networking events.
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